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The international trucking & Railway company. Europe - China.

Since 1991 Kingstar Group have been servicing its customers with rail and road cargo trucking within Russia and internationally, and specializes in freight forwarding within Russia and Asia. 

Kingstar provides international rail and road cargo trucking over the countries of Russia, Europe and Asia, carries out rail transits via Belarus,China, as well as transshipment of goods from wagons of European standard gauge lines to wagons of broad gauge lines, from railroad wagons to trucks and services rail quote calculation. Transgroup is a member of international and Belarusian transport organizations.

Kingstar, the company subsidiary recently opened in Riga, specializes in transshipment of goods in seaports, conveys transits through Latvia, and is engaged in rail and road cargo transportations in the Baltic region. Bilax, newly opened Belsysgroup subsidiary, located in Bialystok, Poland, provides cargo transportation via rail, cargo container shipping, intermodal trucking and logistics services over Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, CIS countries, Caucasus and Central Asia.

Our partners are: Byelorussian Railways, rail and truck forwarding companies of Russia, Poland, and other European and Asian countries, over 400 transport companies of Western, Eastern Europe, and CIS countries.

Among our clients are large companies of Russia and Europe as well as the middle and small businesses, interested in transportation of small cargoes. The company highly appreciates every Customer and guarantees precise and quick rendering of all necessary services.

International railway transport services from China to Russia, Mongolia, Kaxakhstan, Uxbekistan, Kirgixstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan.

1. China railway stations(GuangZhou, ShenZhen, FoShan...)--Alashankou--Below main stations

Chinese English Station code
阿拉木图 Almaty 700007/700100
阿斯塔纳 Astana 690002
阿特劳 Atyrau 661705
阿客套 Aktau 663306
阿克托别 Aktobe 667909
希姆肯特 Chimkent 698606
江布尔 Dzhambul 706304
卡拉干达 Karagandy 673905
科克舍套 Kokchetau 687008
库斯塔奈 Kustanay 684001
梅杰乌 Medeu 700204
巴甫洛达尔 Pavlodal 696102
突厥斯坦 Turkestan 697800
塔什干/丘库尔赛 Tashkent/Chukursay 720000
萨马尔罕 Samarkand 727809
安集延 1 Andijian 1 743604
布哈拉 2 Bukhara 2 730106
比什凯克/阿拉梅金 Bishkek/Alamedin 716908
奥什 Osh 719605
土库曼阿巴德 1 Turkmenabad 750006
杜尚别 2 Dushanbe 2 745309
哈萨克斯坦 Kazakhstan 666408

2. China railway stations(GuangZhou, ShenZhen, FoShan...)--Manzhouli--Below main stations

Chinese English Station code
莫斯科-帕韦列茨卡亚 Moskva-tov-pavaletskaya 193504
新西伯利亚/克列希哈 Kleshchikha 850204
车里雅宾斯克 Chelyabinsk-gruz 800101
叶卡捷琳堡/斯维尔德洛夫斯克 Sverdlovsk-pass 780302
伊尔库茨克/巴塔列伊纳亚 Batareynaya 932601
克拉斯诺亚尔斯克/巴扎伊哈 Bazaikha 892103

3. China railway stations(GuangZhou, ShenZhen, FoShan...)--Erlianhaote--Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

4. China ports - Vostochny / Vladivostok / Nakhodka - Inland cities of Russia